How to Check Transit Time Reports With 17TRACK
In order to guarantee the best post-sales service, as a seller, you must have a clear understanding of the transit time of each carrier and each lane.
17TRACK transit time data analysis will comprehensively show the average transit time of different lanes/different carriers, and the transit time of most levels, and provide relevant detailed data. With this data, you can optimize the carriers, improve the shipping quality, and reduce the transit time.
How to view Transit time data?
Go to your Shopify admin panel and click to open the "17TRACK" App.
Click "Analytics" in the left navigation, then click on the tab "Transit time" to switch.
The first time you view the data analysis, the data under the default filters will be displayed and you can customize your filters as desired.

Use the filters wisely to view both carrier and destination data

Store filter: If your account is connected to more than one store, this filter item will be displayed for viewing data from different stores. Default is All Stores.
Create time: You can choose the time base for filtering the shipments, the default is the create time, you can change it to the order time or delivered time.
Time filter: You can select any time period within the last 180 days, the default is the last 30 days. When combined with create time/order time, if the create time you select is the last 180 days, the data entered within 180 days will be screened.
Location filter: All destinations and origins included in the account can be selected and filtered for matching data. Use 'or' for similar options and 'and' between different options.
Carrier filter: All origin and destination carriers included in the account can be selected and filtered for matching data. Use 'or' for similar options and 'and' between different options.
View overview data

The right side of the value shows the proportion of upward/downward trend compared to the previous cycle for the same days.
P85 transit time (d): 85% of delivered shipments in the selected range have a transit time below or equal to this value.
Avg. transit time(d): The average transit time of delivered shipments in the selected range.
View the Top 5 transit time

This chart is mainly used to view the five lanes with the longest/shortest maximum transit time performance. The chart type is a time series chart, and the greater the difference between the maximum and minimum values, the longer the column will be.
View by carriers: Toggle to view lanes in different dimensions. View by carrier is by default, which can be modified to view by location.
View transit time by carriers

In the dimension of carriers, the transit time performance of different lanes is shown in table form. By default, the 3 lanes with the highest amount of delivered shipments are displayed in the screening conditions, clicking [View details] to browse all data.
View transit time by location

In the dimension of locations, the transit time performance of different lanes is shown in table form. By default, the 3 lanes with the highest amount of delivered shipments are displayed in the screening conditions, clicking [View details] to browse all data.
Updated on: 26/07/2023
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