How do I add tags to my order to mark & note? /Attach tags to my orders
How do I add tags to my order to mark & note? /Attach tags to my orders
Add or create tags:
"Shipments">"Select orders">Click on "attach tags">Search or create tags to add>Confirm and save. Please refer to the following:
Note: 30 tags can be created at most, no more than 30 tags can be attached to each order.

Rename, delete or create tags:
"Settings">"Manage tags". Please refer to the following:

View 17TRACK tag and Shopify tag:
"Shipment" panel>"Tags" list. Clicking on the tags will lead you to the details page of the shipment, you will be able to view both the 17TRACK tags and the Shopify tag.

Updated on: 26/05/2023
Thank you!